Sunday, July 22, 2012
Weeks 28 and 29 Update
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Weeks 25 - 27 Update
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Week 24 Update
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Week 23 Update
Week 22 Update
Week 20 Update
Monday, May 14, 2012
Monday, May 7, 2012
Week 18 Update
Monday, April 30, 2012
Week 17 Update
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Week 16 Update
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Week 15 Update & A NEW BIKE!

I needed a week off. Not totally off, because I still commuted to work and ran quick errands on two wheels. But, I think I needed to give my body a bit of a rest. Tomorrow I'm going to kick off a week that will hopefully take me past the 1,000-mile mark. I don't think I'll hit 500 miles for April now, but I'm learning to be okay when I realize that maybe some of my goals are a little ambitious.

This morning, when I woke up with a semi-major-hangover (hockey playoffs, folks!), I would have never guessed I'd have a new bike sitting in my study twelve hours later. But my friend Allie wanted to stop by Thick Bikes to see about the kind of bike she might want to buy so I went with. She was reluctant to take one of the bikes out for a test spin, so I told her I would take one out too. I asked a few questions about single-speeds, because the ideas of a) having a second bike and b) having a super simple bike had been in the back of my head for a while now. A tad impulsively, I brought the single-speed bike home with me. I haven't gotten to take it out for a test ride yet, but I'm hoping to kickstart a serious biking week with one tomorrow.

If you're in Pittsburgh and looking for a bike, I would definitely recommend Thick Bikes on the South Side. Chris helped both Allie and me and he was happy to answer our questions and get us set up with the perfect bikes to test out.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Week 14 Update

I did several long rides at the beginning of the week. By Thursday my legs were dog-tired. I had high hopes to get in a couple long rides over the weekend, but I chose to let off steam in other manners (there may have been a downtown bar crawl for the last regular seasons Pens game and a late night of karaoke). I was originally hoping to bike 500 miles this month, which is still doable. But thinking about that makes me kinda want to take a nap!
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Week 13 Update
Monday, March 26, 2012
Week 12 Update

Week 12 Total = 87 miles biked!
This morning while I got ready to leave the apartment, I scurried around trying to remember how exactly one bikes in the cold. It has been so nice in Pittsburgh for so long that I completely forgot about things like gloves and hats. I'm hoping to sneak in a few longer rides this week. My goal was to get to 700 miles by the end of March, and I'm very close to getting there. I won't let a silly string of seasonably normal temps get in my way.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Unseasonably Warm: Biking Pittsburgh Bits
It’s been unseasonably warm and sunny this Spring. (Though, as I write this, it’s a rainy Saturday morning and the forecast shows temps in the 50s next week…) The city has felt super alive; people are out on the streets, having meals outdoors, hanging out in the parks. And the number of bikes on the streets seems to have quadrupled. Simply put: amazing.
Last week a couple biking-Pittsburgh related things caught my attention, so now I will bring them to yours. First, I saw two BikePGH posters/graphics last week that I was immediately taken with:

I hope you find some time to enjoy Pittsburgh on two wheels this spring. It really is the best way to get around town, and you get to feel a part of the liveliness this time of years brings about.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Week 11 Total

Week 11 Total = 104.7 miles biked!
Yes! Two things: First, until I calculated this morning to do this update, I had no idea I had completed my first 100-mile week. Second: It. Is. Perfect. Outside. Perfect.
530.1 Miles Biked = $446.86 for Gilda's Club of Western Pennsylvania!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
March 17, 2012: Summer Weather
This was an amazing week that yielded three long rides and a lovely ride home from Regent Square after watching the Pens annihilate the Rangers in Crosby’s second big return-game of the year. (This is the best time of the year to like hockey. Things are getting so exciting! Games are getting bigger and more meaningful!) On that ride I headed back toward Bloomfield while a lightning storm hung over the city. It’s only mid-March, but it honestly felt like summer.
This past Saturday, Carrie and I planned out a nice little bike ride that just so happened to fall on St. Paddy’s Day. We stayed out of Downtown, but couldn’t avoid the South Side and Station Square. I mean, to each his or her own, but I’m really glad St. Paddy’s Day is not a holiday I circle on my calendar every year. We stuck to trails and stopped along the way to have a very Parisian lunch on the side of the Mon. We made friends with some geese. They ate our bread and our strawberries.
In total we went just over 22 miles. And I got a pretty nice sunburn. I might not officially celebrate any smidge of Irish heritage I’m sure I’ve got from somewhere in my family tree, but I sure do turn red like a lobster when the sun gets its first good chance at my forearms.

Memory Tapes - Bicycle
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
March 13, 2012: Spring Has Sprung!

After work today I went up and down the Mon on both sides of the river. It felt amazing to be biking around in a t-shirt and rolled-up leggings. The next two days are more of the same, and I have more of the same planned. If my goal is to get to 700 miles by the end of March, I better use every minute of this early spring to my benefit!
The Stills - Snakecharming the Masses
Jonsi - Go Do
*Selfish because I want to eventually make an all-encompassing biking mix, but I never write the songs down in the same place. Resulting in this mix never having been created. This seems like a good place to gather those tunes together.
**For MY biking. Listen. There's gonna be a Phil Collins track or two on here eventually. I don't profess to have a stunning taste in music that everyone else should love. I have my taste in music. That is my disclaimer!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Spring Forward

I took this on my March 3 ride. I had stopped to snap a few shots for an upcoming blog on Everything Better Pittsburgh and took advantage of a good vantage point.
This weekend we spring forward. I can't wait.
Week 9 Total

Week 9 Total = 54 miles biked!
I got in a long ride on Saturday morning. I can't wait for the days when my daily totals rival my recent weekly totals. Spring is in the air (to stay, I hope)!
(Oh, by the way, 386.3 miles biked = $366.33 for Gilda's Club of Western Pennsylvania!)
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Week 8 Total

Week 8 Total = 43.4 miles biked!
This past week I passed 300 miles biked and $300 raised!
THANK YOU to anyone who has pledged. I can't tell you how many times I've thought about you all while riding my bike. I'm seriously so excited to have undertaken this project, and your participation is just awesome.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Week 7 Total

At the onset of the week, I worried that I would be on the bus more than once, but once was it and the other days I enjoyed more mild weather and the ability to commute to and from work by bike. On Saturday, the 18th day of February, I rode my bike to the South Side without gloves on. Fingers crossed that the mild weather lasts another month or two.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Winter Biking
But, it just HASN'T happened.

I write this as a preface to discussing Winter Biking because it really hasn't been all that wintery. I'm not at the point yet where I can confidently ride a bike through the snow. I am improving though! Last year I refused to ride when it was cold enough to need a heavier winter coat while walking around. I took the bus for a little less than three months while I waited for temperatures to get back to a comfortable level. But this year, I've not been a wuss when it comes to biking in the cold and there have only been three or four days SINCE DECEMBER that I've found myself waiting on the corner of Friendship and Gross in the morning.
The most important difference between this year and last year is that I've properly attired myself, and that has made all the difference. Here's what I've been wearing that's been getting me through cold rides to and from work:
Knit Cap under Helmet: Even if it doesn't feel THAT cold out, I will still wear a knit cap on most mornings. My ears are prone to freezing quickly, and if they haven't frozen by the time I get to Penn and Main, they will by the time I've flown halfway down the hill into the Strip.
Layers on Upper Body: I will always wear at least a t-shirt and my Under Armour base layer under my jacket. If it's extremely cold I wear the base layer first and the t-shirt over it. It it's normal cold, the t-shirt then base layer. Most mornings I also wear a zip-up hooded sweatshirt, but it's been so mild that it's been left at home on many occasions.
Jacket: A white Marmot rain jacket. This may seem crazy, because it really is just a rain jacket, but it's waterproof and windproof. It has zippers in the armpit area so I can have ventilation when needed. When fully zipped it keeps the heat I'm generating in. I've NEVER been too cold on my bike in this jacket.
Legs and Feet: I wear American Apparel's winter legging every day, starting in the late fall. They are thick and warm and they've (so far) taken the wear and tear pretty well. For socks I wear a thick wool sock pulled up as high as it'll go under the leggings. If it's bitter cold, two pairs. For shoes I've just been wearing my Saucony's and have been getting by okay with those.
Gloves: I got a pair of Seirus gloves this year, and they have served me well. They aren't as warm as I'd like them to be on the coldest days, but I'm convinced I have poor circulation and skinny fingers that freeze very quick. Once or twice I've doubled up on gloves, wearing a thicker knit glove over the Seirus ones. To be fair, the guy at REI did tell me that there were better options for serious winter riding, but when I bought them in November I wasn't sure if I'd yet committed to serious winter riding. Next year I will probably invest in a warmer option. For now, well, I haven't lost a digit yet.
Things I Would Like to Add: Just two items on my wishlist for this winter or next: face mask, rain pants.
I am, of course, keeping my fingers crossed in hopes that this mild winter continues throughout the next month or two. But if the temperatures drop, I'll do my best to grin and bear it.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Week 6 Total

Week 6 Total = 27.6 miles biked.
Between bad weather and a bout of food poisoning, biking was down this week. And I expect it to continue through this week as tonight calls for snow, even though a warm-up is in our future.
After one official week of winter weather, I am officially over it and cannot wait for spring.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
February 1, 2012: I biked 20 miles today!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Starting to Bike to Work
- Get a rack. Get a set of panniers. Not having the added weight (or essentially a very thick layer of clothing in the summer) of a backpack has really made a big difference in my commute.
- Understand that at first it will be difficult - physically and maybe mentally. You'll be switching to an entirely different routine. You'll have to normalize your route, understand how much time you need to ready yourself and how much time it takes to actually ride in. Eventually both your legs and your brain will get it and everything will be second nature.
- Have fun! Flying down Penn in the morning is more fun than riding a crammed bus or sitting in a car stuck in traffic. Keeping the negatives of the alternatives in mind when you're commuting by bike goes a long way on that evening ride home when you're stuck in a downpour. I've had a couple really fun rides home in the rain committing to getting soaked and enjoying the absurdness of it.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Week 4 Total

I got in an entire week's worth of commuting. It's been too cold to do much more than that.
I've started having day-long daydreams of long rides in the summer. Sigh. Summer.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Monday, January 16, 2012
Monday, January 9, 2012
Week 1 Total

Saturday, January 7, 2012
January 7, 2012: I Biked 20 Miles Today!