Monday, April 30, 2012

Week 17 Update

Week 17 Total = 58.2 miles biked!

Crazy, in the past two days, which were not counted into this total, have already surpassed that.

And that means: I'm tired. 

And kinda sunburned.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Week 16 Update

Week 16 Total = 101.8 miles biked!

I met one of my goals: over 100 miles for the week.

But I missed my other goal, to surpass 1,000 miles.

But that didn't stop me from buying a cake on Saturday to celebrate.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Week 15 Update & A NEW BIKE!

Week 15 Total = 48.2 miles biked!

I needed a week off. Not totally off, because I still commuted to work and ran quick errands on two wheels. But, I think I needed to give my body a bit of a rest. Tomorrow I'm going to kick off a week that will hopefully take me past the 1,000-mile mark. I don't think I'll hit 500 miles for April now, but I'm learning to be okay when I realize that maybe some of my goals are a little ambitious.


This morning, when I woke up with a semi-major-hangover (hockey playoffs, folks!), I would have never guessed I'd have a new bike sitting in my study twelve hours later. But my friend Allie wanted to stop by Thick Bikes to see about the kind of bike she might want to buy so I went with. She was reluctant to take one of the bikes out for a test spin, so I told her I would take one out too. I asked a few questions about single-speeds, because the ideas of a) having a second bike and b) having a super simple bike had been in the back of my head for a while now. A tad impulsively, I brought the single-speed bike home with me. I haven't gotten to take it out for a test ride yet, but I'm hoping to kickstart a serious biking week with one tomorrow.

If you're in Pittsburgh and looking for a bike, I would definitely recommend Thick Bikes on the South Side. Chris helped both Allie and me and he was happy to answer our questions and get us set up with the perfect bikes to test out.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Week 14 Update

Week 14 Total = 118.1 miles biked!

I did several long rides at the beginning of the week. By Thursday my legs were dog-tired. I had high hopes to get in a couple long rides over the weekend, but I chose to let off steam in other manners (there may have been a downtown bar crawl for the last regular seasons Pens game and a late night of karaoke). I was originally hoping to bike 500 miles this month, which is still doable. But thinking about that makes me kinda want to take a nap!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Week 13 Update

Week 13 Update
Mar. 25-31
111.2 miles biked!

Total Miles Through 2012 To Date: 728.3

Well, I hit my goal of doubling my Jan-Feb total in March. The weather has been so cooperative that I'm always slightly nervous some freak snowstorm is around the corner. But, we're in April now, so hopefully all the coldest days are behind us. A sad note: my computer is a bit sick at the moment and is spending some quality time at the Mac repair store. My dad has lent me a laptop to use in the interim, but I can't access a photo editing software, so you're out of luck if you were hoping for some pictures in this update!

By the way, 728.3 miles biked = $580 raised for Gilda's Club of Western Pennsylvania!